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Compensation for Personal Injuries in Palm Beach, Florida


When a woman or man is injured in Palm Beach, Florida because of the wrongdoing of another person, they're eligible for compensation for the damages. The incident might have been brought on by recklessness, negligence, or intentional conduct.


When this happens, the injured person may receive compensation from the wrongdoer who will in return refer the incident to their insurance provider. The injured person will be approached through an insurance company adjuster. If legal responsibility is obvious, the insurance company may be willing to produce a fast offer regarding settlement. This particular offer is usually very low and the injured person might not be aware of it. Prior to accepting the offer, the injured person is advised to get hold of a Palm Beach, Florida personal injury lawyer to understand the real worth of the claim.

Personal Injury Lawyer in Palm Beach, Florida


Roselli & Associates serve Palm Beach, Florida and the team is known for using aggressive personal injury representation. Roselli & Associates has obtained millions of dollars for their respected clients by using meticulous investigation and intense advocacy strategies. Roselli & Associates will negotiate effectively on your behalf to acquire a fair settlement. In the event the defending person neglects to do what's appropriate, attorney Roselli and his team is prepared to take the matter to the courtroom to attain justice.

Areas of Practice in Palm Beach   


The legal team at Roselli & Associates is experienced in a broad selection of specialty areas including truck accidents, car accidents, pedestrian accidents, motorcycle accidents, workplace injuries, slip & falls, premises liability, uninsured motorist accidents, defective products, dog bites, brain injuries, home abuse, spinal cord injuries, nursing and wrongful death claims.


Injured people or their families looking for compensation for injuries are encouraged to contact the firm for a free case evaluation. There are no attorney's fees until recovery is achieved.

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Case Results Articles - Premises Liability

  • Case Results
    • Toddler Falls From Balcony Railing Suffering Skull Fracture

      Immediate court action by attorney Robert M. Roselli to preserve the remains of a broken balcony railing at an apartment complex proved critical for the grieving parents of a four year old boy who fell from the balcony when the wood railing suddenly gave way, causing a young todler to fall from the balcony and suffer serious head injuries. Experts retained by Mr. Roselli analyzed the railing and determined that the wood railing was rotten and merely painted over. During further investigation and depositions, it was revealed that the hazardous condition of the railings was known to the apartment owners and the management but appropriate action to remedy the hazardous and potentially deadly condition was delayed in order to save money. Moreover, despite the hundreds of children living in the apartment complex, the manager did not think it important to warn the residents of the hazard. Ultimately, the city demanded repair and replacement of the railings and the toddler and his parents received the compensation they deserved.

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Contact Us

Roselli Law Office, We are centrally located at the Roselli Building in the heart of Fort Lauderdale.

3471 North Federal Highway
Suite 600
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306
Tel (954) 568-0700
Toll Free (800) ROSELLI6

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